FPS Timer4D (Free)
This free plugin is a nice little animation Helper.
It can be used to time your events and set the timeline accordingly.
Time events and set timeline accordingly:
– Time Events.
– Calculating number of frames based on given time.
– Advance the timeline with given number of frames.
Time Events.
Click on the little icon and you will see the time (S field) starts running.
It will keep running as long as you hold the mouse button.
When an event has passed (i.e. a character taking one step forwards) you release the mouse button, so the corresponding number of frames will be shown based on the projects FPS setting.
If you now CTRL + click the icon, the timeline will be set to the current frame + events.
Calculating number of frames based on given time.
When you enter a time in the time field (S) and ALT + click the icon to have the number of frames for the given time calculated and shown.
For example: Enter time at 2.2 seconds and ALT + click the icon. The number of frames is calculated based on the projects FPS and will be displayed. For a project FPS of 30, 2.2 seconds is 66 frames.
If you now CTRL + click the icon, the timeline will be set to the current frame + event number of frames.
Advance the timeline with given number of frames.
If you enter a number of frames in the frame field (F) and CTRL + click the icon, the timeline will be set to the current frame + given number of frames.
The plugin was developed and tested on Cinema 4D R17.048.